When Milis passed on I was so very broken hearted. It was like losing a baby. After time, I finally decided to get another one. I would like to introduce Brigo our new Bearded Dragon.
We welcomed him into the family August 28, 2005 .
Brigo's First Day 8-28-2005
Brigo's First Day 8-28-2005
Brigo's First Day 8-28-2005
Brigo 8-30-2005
Brigo 10-1-2005
Brigo 10-24-2005
Brigo 11-08-2006
Brigo with his new arrangement on June 15, 2006
6-15-07 6-15-07 6-15-07 6-15-07 6-15-07
Bearded dragons originate from Australia; they are known to live in sub - tropical forests and also deserts. Bearded Dragons are an average size lizard, known to grow on average from 16-24 inches from nose to tail and are usually only about 4" at hatching. They are very tame and become extremely attached to their "parents", sometimes making it difficult for someone outside the family to feed and care for them.