Using Cardboard to Make a Loom

This is something I learned how to do at Pennsic and I thought it would be a great thing to teach to children.

Click on images to see them larger.

Do not use a piece larger than 9" square or use a piece of thin wood for larger pieces. Cut the lines at equal spaces across being sure top and bottom lines match up. I recommend spacing them around 1cm.

Cutting the Cardboard

Tie the string around one of the end tabs and string the card as shown here. The lighter lines show how it should look on the opposite side.

Front ViewFront side Back side

Tie the color thread you want to the end of the stringing color and bring to front and weave as shown. Remember to go over and under each thread.


Oh, one very important thing, do not pull the string tight or you will end up with an hourglass shaped finished piece.

Every few rows push the strings down to tighten it up a little.

When complete I found that if you take a thread on a needle and go across the top tieing the thread around each of the threads coming up you get a more secure piece.

These squares can be used as coasters or joined together to create blankets, scarves or other things. Enjoy.