Asian Bead Bracelet
Design by Lynn B. Krucke
Materials | Directions


Premo White 5001 and a "pinch" of Ecru 5093
Chinese calligraphy rubber stamp (Stamp Francisco, Hero Arts) or stamp of your choice)
Memories dye based ink pad (black)
Sculpey Super Slicer
Wooden skewers or toothpicks
Wax paper
Burnt umber acrylic paint
Cotton rag
Elastic cording
Spacer beads  
Crimp beads

Condition clay by kneading and rolling in your hands until clay is soft and pliable. Mix a small amount of ecru clay thoroughly into the white clay.  

Roll clay into a log approximately 3/4 inches in diameter. Cut one inch pieces from this log for the beads.
Roll each one inch section into a ball. Don't aim for perfection here -- the idea is that these beads will look very old and hand made!
Using the skewer or needle tool, make a hole in the first round bead. Pierce the clay from one side, going through to the other side without exiting. Remove needle tool and go in from the other side to ensure that holes are neat, with no rough edges.
Flatten bead to create an oval, or "lozenge" shaped bead.
With bead still on skewer or needle tool, ink rubber stamp with Memories ink and place stamp face up on work surface.
Press bead firmly but gently onto stamp. Turn the bead over and repeat. Placing a piece of waxed paper between your fingers and the bead will prevent smearing of the ink, as well as fingerprints.
Remove bead from needle tool and place on baking tray. Repeat until you have enough beads for the bracelet.
Bake beads at 275 degrees F in an oven that has been calibrated for temperature accuracy for 30 minutes per 1/4" of thickness. Remove from oven and cool.
Brush each bead with a coat of burnt umber acrylic paint, working the paint into the crevices of the stamped images. Wipe paint away before it dries. Repeat if desired for a more "antiqued" look.
Starting with a crimp bead, string beads onto elastic cording, adding a spacer bead between each larger bead.

Once stringing is complete, bring last end of cording through crimp bead (in the opposite direction). Pull taut. Squeeze crimp bead with pliers to close it. Trim ends and enjoy!

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