A simple Square Knot
(click image below to go to animation)
This is a very basic knot for the beginner.  Once you can make this knot, you can use the pattern to make lines, borders, etc.  Instructions to do this to come.  If you click on the small image it will bring you to a bigger one.

To begin draw a light pencil grid of 5 boxes by 5 boxes. 

Step 1: Draw each of the 4 corners. Step 2: Draw the 4 outer curves.

Step 3: Connect top left corner to right curve, right curve to bottom left corner and so on.  See images below:

Step 4: Create second line following first line.  The space between the lines can be any thickness you desire, I just chose a thinner space to show the crossovers better. Step 5:  Erase the crossover points.  Remember the over/under rule.  Start at one corner and go over the first line, under the second over the third, etc.

Step 6: Use ink to darken lines.  Let ink dry then erase grid. Step 6: Add color.

Now you have created your first simple knot.  Congratulations.  :)
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