All things SCA
I've been collecting things that could be used by members of the SCA and decided to share them here.
Keep in mind, this is a personal website.  It is not SCA run.
If there is a problem please contact me. Thank you.
Use the Above navigation bar to make your way around the site or use the index below.

A Very Easy Triangle
A Harder Rectangle Knot
A simple Square Knot

Faery Crafts:
Fairy Houses
Flower Friends
Petal Portraits
Fairy Ring
A simple Cloak
Minimal Sew Girls Dress
Simple Nursing Garb Idea
Simple Tunic Idea
ID Labels

SCA Photo Album:
Pennsic XXX
Pennsic XXXIV
Pennsic XXXV
Crown Tournament 2003

Asian Bead Bracelet
Celtic-Look Pendants
Faux Jade Mini Book
Fiorato Pendant Bead with Liquid Sculpey

Children's Activities:
Aoife's Crafts
Cheap Craft Kits
Kids Parties
Nature Crafts
Greedy Gert - Story
Potato Crafts
Rainbow Stew
Beanbag Toss
Build a Medieval Castle (off site)
Online Heraldry Game (off site)
Shields, Knights and Heraldry (off site)

Fiber Arts:
Tablet Weaving
Cardboard Weaving
Needle Felting
Assorted Links:
My Persona
Barony of Thescorre
Kingdom of AEthelmearc
SCAdian Parents Yahoo Group
What's Brewing